11-th International Symposium
on Polyelectrolytes - ISP 2016
JUNE 27 - 30, 2016, MOSCOW, RUSSIA

Invited Speakers

Yoshihito Osada

Yoshihito Osada

Professor, Senior Visiting Scientist at RIKEN Advanced Science Institute (Japan)

Lecture title: Nano Gel -Machines of the Next Era

Dmitry Pergushov

Dmitry Pergushov

Dr., Leading Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)

Lecture title: Interpolyelectrolyte Complexes of Star-Shaped Polyions: From Micelle-Like Morphology to Polymersomes

Lennart Piculell

Lennart Piculell

Professor, Physical Chemistry 1, Lund University (Sweden)

Lecture title: Controlled surface deposition of charged particles onto a similarly charged surface by polyelectrolyte depletion

Igor Potemkin

Igor Potemkin

Full Professor, Physics Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia).

School lecturer, lecture title "Polyelectrolyte networks and gels".

Karel Procházka

Karel Procházka

Professor, Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)

Lecture title: Dissipartive particle dynamics studies of polyelectrolyte co-and self assembly

Walter Richtering

Walter Richtering

Herr Univ. Professor, Institute of Physical Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)

Lecture title: Stimuli-responsive uptake and release of polyelectrolytes by amphoteric microgels

Michael Rubinstein

Michael Rubinstein

John P. Barker Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)

Lecture title: Complexation of Oppositely Charged Polyelctrolytes and Diblock Polyampholytes

School lecture: Scaling in polyelectrolyte solutions

Artem Rumyantsev

Artem Rumyantsev

Ph.D. student, Lomonosov MSU (Russia).

School lecturer, lecture title "Counter ion association regimes"

Alexey Shaytan

Alexey Shaytan

Dr., assistant professor, National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institutes of Health, (USA)

School lecturer, lecture title "Natural polyelectrolytes".

Ulrich Scheler

Ulrich Scheler

Head of the Department, Polyelectrolytes and Dispersions, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (Germany)

Lecture title: Charge, molecular dynamics and weak binding –  a magnetic resonance study

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Scientific program
Book of abstracts

