11-th International Symposium
on Polyelectrolytes - ISP 2016
JUNE 27 - 30, 2016, MOSCOW, RUSSIA

Registration fees

Fee information.

 Before 15 may 2016 

 After 15 may 2016 

Standart fee 400  500 
Student fee 250  300 
School fee 75  75 





Registration fee can be paid by a credit card or bank transfer.

Payment with a credit card:

To pay with a credit card please login your registration profile at the web site using the information that was sent to you in the confirmation letter after your registration or select "Forgot password" option if you did not remember your login details.

Bank transfer:

Operating account: 40702978100002002416
JSCB "Nash Dom"
Correspondent account
№ 000 – 55072334
with Raiffeisen Bank International AG,
Vienna, SWIFT-code: RZBA AT WW

Please indicate in the payment purpose description "Registration fee for ISP 2016, your family name" and send to [email protected] scan of the payment document.

If the registration fee will be paid by your organization you can send invoice request to [email protected]. In invoice request mail, please indicate your family name and full name of the organization together with organization address.

For Russian participants who would like to pay in rubles by noncash payment via their organization or Sberbank transfer: here you can find payment instructions and documents (in Russian only). The payment amount in rubles should be estimated using the exchange rate of The Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of payment.


Electronic payment system

Legal information

Scientific program
Book of abstracts

