11-th International Symposium
on Polyelectrolytes - ISP 2016
JUNE 27 - 30, 2016, MOSCOW, RUSSIA

DPD simulation of charged systems

Alexei A. Gavrilov

Lomonosov MSU

For polyelectrolyte systems, explicit treatment of the electrostatic interactions plays a key role in understanding phenomena that do not occur in noncharged systems. Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) has proven to be a powerful tool to simulate the behavior of various polymer systems; however, the inclusion of the Coulombic interactions in DPD is somewhat complicated because of the soft-core nature of the volume interactions in DPD. The ways of introduction of the long-range Coulombic forces in coarse-grained DPD simulations will be discussed alongside with some usage examples.
Scientific program
Book of abstracts

